Feature requests
Submit IdeaAdd Human Talking Avatar to Video
I hope Pictory can add AI human talking avatar. And e can have personalised face and custom voice.
Make Video from Audio
Upload audio, have it translate to text and make video from it like text to video feature.
Solar B36
Improved AI for better visual selection
We are working on a much better AI model that fetches visuals that are relevant. Thus, making the video creation workflow much more efficient.
#Improvement π#Video creation#AI11
Split the Scene: Show Side by Side Clips
Display 2 videos side by side or one above the other in some scenes or throughout the video. This would be very useful for explainer videos.
Erum S#Improvement π#Video creation#Video editing12
Text To Script in your own voice
The ability to take text to audio would be a grand-slam for small to medium companies. Futhermore it would allow audience to connect with a common person. It would make the burden on a person's time.
The Joy R5
Support for Spanish language
Spanish language support
Give warning (and options) when video is shorter than voice-over for a scene
By default a video will loop when it is shorter in duration than the voice-over for a scene. It would be helpful to give a warning when this occurs and give us the option to: freeze the starting and/or ending frame of the video; adjust the speed of the video to fit; split the scene at the end of the video; or take the default looping of the video.
Steve M5
Image movement like zoom in zoom out feel like video
If we could zoom in and out, tumble, photo rise, pop, fade on static images so that it feels like video with movement. Also if speed can be added as well to adjust.
Pan&Zoom doesn't work. Let's implement a proper Ken Burns effect.
Ken Burns made infamous the use of pan/zoom across still images to convey motion. Pictory's Pan&Zoom implementation should do this, but it is completely broken and unusable - and can not possibly produce good results without input from the user, which it does not do! You need a UI that allows the user to select 1) an image 2) a source rectangle 3) a destination rectangle. This allows the user full control over the transition, speed of movement, etc. Pictory only has implemented step 1. How could Pictory possibly get a good result without this - how do you know where the start/end of the transition is? I'll bet you could have this implemented in two weeks from design to final QA if your team really tried. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rippletraining.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F01%2Fimage5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ccac7e63ebd85b81d9aa36af3f437ae1a581a8a3815ba3de5861a402314cd6c2&ipo=images
Bob#Improvement π#Usability#Bug π2
Add option to match footage to scene duration
Don't you hate it when you find just the perfect footage for your scene, just to realize it is just 1 or 2 seconds too short? Adding a jarring loop to your scene and forcing you to limit your options to footage that is longer than the scene? Well, this feature would fix that. An option to slow down footage that is longer than its scene, just enough to fit its duration.
Alex#Improvement π#Video creation#Deal Breaker π2
Co-braded logos
Allow for co-branding videos, i.e. two logos as part of branding.
Pranav#Video editing0
Background removal for Uploaded Videos
As you know, a video must be made transparent inside the video editor that we are working on, in order to be able to use it as a foreground video to another video clip scene (otherwise, it will appear with a white background when you upload it from elsewhere). So, when we upload a video to Pictory.ai and want to use that video as a front layer video to our already ready Pictory video scene, it cannot be done as a cut-out video playing in front of a Pictory-generated video scene. If Pictory can implement 'Remove Background' feature for Uploaded Videos, we can make 'video on video' scenes, the front layer video playing as cut-out video; and one can easily forecast that this ability alone can almost double Pictory.ai's target customer base.
Ebru#Improvement π#Video creation#Video editing0
Visuals selection for linking scenes
When linking scenes, Pictory currently uses the visual of the first scene in the link. What if I want to use the visual from the second scene in the link. Why not do this: If you want to use the visual from the first scene, then select the first scene and click the link. If you want the visual from the second scene, select the second scene and then click the link to the first scene.
Deeptesh#Improvement π#Video creation#Integrations π0
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ugduhweugdj#Integrations π#Misc π€·#Bug π0