Feature requests

  1. More function for "Visual zoom and pan"

    Hi, I use Pictory to create video by pictures. I see Pictory have a feature called "visual zoom and pan". I see it is a useful feature, however it's very simple and cannot modify as I want, such as speed of zoom, zoom position etc. So can Pictory can upgrade this feature? Thank for reading.

    Leon P
    #Improvement 👍#Video creation


  2. Add new AI voice-overs

    To add more variety to the automated machine voice-overs in your videos

    #Improvement 👍


  3. More options for scene transitions

    This is again a common ask from most of our customers.

    #Styling 🎨


  4. Richer and bigger stock visual library

    To create more compelling video stories with fresh and relevant visuals

    #Improvement 👍#Video creation#Video editing


  5. Add Text as Logo(watermark) Apart from PNG Logos

    I prefer Texts as Logo instead of PNG logos. Sometimes both.

    Abhilash P
    #Improvement 👍#Video creation#Styling 🎨


  6. Fade In/Out on Video

    When creating videos with Pictory and WellSaid labs, the last frame of my video fades the audio which fades out my AI speaker... Being able to turn Fade In/Out on video would be a fantastic feature... Thank you for your consideration



  7. Pan&Zoom doesn't work. Let's implement a proper Ken Burns effect.

    Ken Burns made infamous the use of pan/zoom across still images to convey motion. Pictory's Pan&Zoom implementation should do this, but it is completely broken and unusable - and can not possibly produce good results without input from the user, which it does not do! You need a UI that allows the user to select 1) an image 2) a source rectangle 3) a destination rectangle. This allows the user full control over the transition, speed of movement, etc. Pictory only has implemented step 1. How could Pictory possibly get a good result without this - how do you know where the start/end of the transition is? I'll bet you could have this implemented in two weeks from design to final QA if your team really tried. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rippletraining.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F01%2Fimage5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ccac7e63ebd85b81d9aa36af3f437ae1a581a8a3815ba3de5861a402314cd6c2&ipo=images

    #Improvement 👍#Usability#Bug 🐛


  8. Control of Transition speed

    The the transitions are too fast. We should be able to control the speed of it.

    Juliano H


  9. Different options for Text animation

    Create nice videos with variety of animation styles for the Text which appears on the video

    #Video creation#Styling 🎨


  10. Add Human Talking Avatar to Video

    I hope Pictory can add AI human talking avatar. And e can have personalised face and custom voice.



  11. Add various elements on the scenes

    Add emojis, short graphics (logos) etc. as a layer over the video scene

    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  12. Style: Headline on the top and subtitles in the bottom

    We are adding a new style asked by many of our customers which has heading and captions together on the video scenes. We will first roll it out for video editing scenario and then for text to video scenarios too

    #Video editing#Styling 🎨


  13. Need FOLDERS to Organise uploaded Images,Video,Background Musics and Voice Overs with a SEARCH Button

    Folders are perfect way to Organize everything Uploaded(Images,video,background musics & own voice overs) to Pictory. And a Search Button also required to find the required files in the future use. This way everybody can keep their files clean category wise in separate folders without scrolling a lot. 👉 Ability to move images/video/bgm etc to any folders

    Abhilash P
    #Improvement 👍#Usability


  14. Simple idea to improve scene selection

    I think it would be an excellent addition to give people the option of just giving a keyword or phrase to pictory and let it randomly select videos that match those words. So e.g. if the central theme of your video is love, you could choose the phrase, "couple in love" and all the scenes pictory would choose from would match this search term, more of your clips would show a couple in love which would be ideal for the central theme of the video. Obviously if your video covers many topics then you could just then choose the normal AI method. I think this would be fairly easy to code, its just randomly choosing a video using a search term.

    Lee M
    #Improvement 👍#Video creation


  15. Remove Background Noise Automatically

    Remove background noise to clean up audio. Request automatic feature for this.

    #Improvement 👍#Video editing
