Feature requests

  1. Video generated are erroneous

    The vide preview shows it perfectly after creating/editing. However, after downloading the video, it is found that the duration is reduced and voiceover is truncated in every scene which makes the video unusable. I missed my weekly video upload to youtube because of this error. My request to Pictory is to stop experimenting on a things that are working perfectly. If these problems are not rectified, it is going to affect pictory's reputation badly and users seeking more reliable platforms! Regards, Nikhil

    Nikhil R
    #Bug 🐛


  2. TEXT to VIDEO - Create several versions of the video using the same script

    being able to create several versions of the same video, using the same script, but choosing different images/ short videos randomize to create more versions of the video which is unique. Useful in having different videos to rank for difference keywords in youtube. Instead of creating 10 individual videos. We can just have a set script/ text. Choose images/videos to be randomized and we can indicate how many of the videos we need to create. Example, we indicate creating 10 videoes and pictory to spit out 10 unique videos by randomizing the images/ videos chosen, playing the same script. And randomizng the music as well that we choose.

    #Improvement 👍#Video creation#Video editing


  3. text to ANIME

    all of this is live action, it would be great if there's an option so that text could be generated to another style, not just live action.



  4. Improved AI for better visual selection

    We are working on a much better AI model that fetches visuals that are relevant. Thus, making the video creation workflow much more efficient.

    #Improvement 👍#Video creation#AI


  5. payements solutions

    Tecnología, innovación y eficiencia: en torno a esta promesa nos hemos propuesto considerar. Con nuestro apoyo experto, nos comprometemos a mantener una relación de confianza con usted y garantizar el éxito de sus proyectos, en cada etapa. Elegir Lumens significa optar por la tecnología de pago adaptativa, que forma parte de nuestro ADN y de nuestra visión. Escalable, nuestro enfoque en las nuevas tecnologias para generación de pagos, centralizada enfocada en soluciones basadas en tus necesidades y tu realidad, se integra rápida y fácilmente a tu ecosistema. Gracias a nuestras alianzas con los mejores expertos en tecnología de pagos, estamos a tu disposición en cualquier circunstancia, impulsados ​​por un mismo objetivo: brindarle una experiencia de cliente personalizada y decididamente mejorada; ofrecerle una oferta enfocada al futuro y omnicanal; facilite su trabajo centrándose en la accesibilidad y la flexibilidad. Además, en Lumens entendemos que cada cliente es único y merece una solución específica que se ajuste perfectamente a sus expectativas y requisitos. Por eso, nuestro compromiso va más allá de lo convencional, ofreciéndole un servicio que evoluciona con usted. Nuestra plataforma no solo es robusta y segura, sino también intuitiva y fácil de usar, permitiéndole gestionar sus pagos de manera eficiente y sin complicaciones. Con actualizaciones constantes y un equipo de soporte siempre dispuesto a ayudar, aseguramos que esté siempre al día con las últimas innovaciones en tecnología de pagos. Lumens no es solo una opción, es la opción inteligente para aquellos que buscan estar a la vanguardia, optimizando sus procesos y maximizando su potencial de crecimiento. Su éxito es nuestro éxito, y estamos aquí para acompañarlo en cada paso de su camino hacia la excelencia. Con Lumens, el futuro del pago está en sus manos.

    cecile h
    #Video creation#Video editing#Usability


  6. give me a video with one man and black

    give me a video with one man and black

    #Video creation



    AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines. These systems are designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding language, recognizing patterns, and even generating content like text, images, or videos. Key Concepts of AI: Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI where machines are trained on data to improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. For example, an algorithm can learn to recognize objects in images after being exposed to thousands of labeled examples. Natural Language Processing (NLP): This involves enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. Examples include chatbots like me, language translation apps, and voice assistants like Siri or Alexa. Computer Vision: The ability for AI systems to interpret and make decisions based on visual data, such as recognizing faces in photos or detecting objects in videos. Deep Learning: A more advanced form of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers. It is particularly powerful for processing large amounts of unstructured data like images, video, and speech. Generative AI: This type of AI generates new content based on patterns it has learned from existing data. For example, AI can create artwork, write text, compose music, or generate videos. Applications of AI: Automation: AI automates repetitive tasks, such as data entry or customer service (via chatbots). Personal Assistants: AI-powered assistants like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa can help with scheduling, reminders, and online searches. Healthcare: AI assists in diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images, and developing personalized treatment plans. Finance: AI is used for fraud detection, trading algorithms, and customer service. Retail and E-commerce: AI helps in recommendation engines (e.g., suggesting products), chatbots, and customer behavior analysis. In short, AI enables machines to perform tasks that once required human intelligence, often with increased efficiency, speed, and scale.

    david t


  8. Regenerating voice should not alter time of already set time for scenes.

    Say I have this text on one scene "Stay Active". When voiceover is generated this text can be covered in say 1 second. I want to show some background video and at-least want to play the video for 3 seconds. I set 3 seconds for this scene. Now, if I scroll through scenes, i see I need to re-adjust some more scenes time duration but a refresh icon is shown. Clicking this refresh button, now regenerates the audio for all the scenes, including the one "Stay Active" which I had set to 3 seconds (and is again 1 second). This is very frustrating as after downloading the video we come to know it has been reset. My suggestion is improve this functionality. One solution could be a Global setting, where I can set min time duration of any scene which I want to keep as 3 seconds in my case. All scenes irrespective of how much text is there, should be at-least 3 seconds.



  9. More options for scene transitions

    This is again a common ask from most of our customers.

    #Styling 🎨


  10. Different options for Text animation

    Create nice videos with variety of animation styles for the Text which appears on the video

    #Video creation#Styling 🎨


  11. Make Video from Audio

    Upload audio, have it translate to text and make video from it like text to video feature.

    Solar B


  12. Add various elements on the scenes

    Add emojis, short graphics (logos) etc. as a layer over the video scene

    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  13. Add more than one text box on a scene

    Add main headings, sub-headings, and animate them differently. Would make the final video nicer!

    #Video creation#Video editing


  14. Reorder scenes by drag and drop

    Easy for anyone to reorder the scenes on the story-board



  15. Multiple options to upload a long video - YouTube url, G-drive

    Easily input a URL or link to drive, thus avoiding the hassles of downloading videos from YouTube, Vimeo etc. and uploading to Pictory

    #Video editing#Integrations 🔗
