Feature requests

  1. Add new AI voice-overs

    To add more variety to the automated machine voice-overs in your videos

    #Improvement šŸ‘


  2. More options for scene transitions

    This is again a common ask from most of our customers.

    #Styling šŸŽØ


  3. Richer and bigger stock visual library

    To create more compelling video stories with fresh and relevant visuals

    #Improvement šŸ‘#Video creation#Video editing


  4. Add pauses to voice over

    I would love to have an option to add pauses to imported voice overs. Now when I sync a voice over to my video in which Iā€™m for example explaining something on screen, sometimes the voice over talks to fast. I would love an option to edit this inside pictory.

    #Improvement šŸ‘#Video creation#Video editing


  5. Pan&Zoom doesn't work. Let's implement a proper Ken Burns effect.

    Ken Burns made infamous the use of pan/zoom across still images to convey motion. Pictory's Pan&Zoom implementation should do this, but it is completely broken and unusable - and can not possibly produce good results without input from the user, which it does not do! You need a UI that allows the user to select 1) an image 2) a source rectangle 3) a destination rectangle. This allows the user full control over the transition, speed of movement, etc. Pictory only has implemented step 1. How could Pictory possibly get a good result without this - how do you know where the start/end of the transition is? I'll bet you could have this implemented in two weeks from design to final QA if your team really tried. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rippletraining.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F01%2Fimage5.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ccac7e63ebd85b81d9aa36af3f437ae1a581a8a3815ba3de5861a402314cd6c2&ipo=images

    #Improvement šŸ‘#Usability#Bug šŸ›


  6. Text animations like wave.video

    Can we have text animations like wave.video. They have very cool and professional looking text animations options which we can apply to one scene or to the entire video. I hope this feature will be considered. Thank You Pictory

    Muhammad A
    #Video creation#Video editing#Styling šŸŽØ


  7. AI Voices - More control over the Pauses, and the Speed

    Premium voices speak at their own speed, but often times you want to slow down a performance for effect. I don't mean altering the voice to sound slow, but have the option for more time between words, and the option to pause so the next line isn't delivered back to back. There's only so much you can do with Split clip which has serious limitiations, especially with timing and visual overlap issues. TTS [Slower] doesn't work, or if it can work, it would need to not those words as it does now. Thanks, Matthew

    Matthew F


  8. He pulls her harshly to himself

    Dark romance Morally grey For edits

    #Video editing


  9. Kids

    Title: The Adventures of Luna the Moon Bunny Scene 1: Luna's Home [The story begins with Luna, a cute bunny with a silver coat, hopping around the Moon. She lives in a cozy burrow nestled among the craters.] LUNA: (happily) Another beautiful night on the Moon! Scene 2: The Mysterious Shooting Star [Suddenly, Luna notices a shooting star streaking across the sky.] LUNA: Wow! What could that be? [Curious, Luna follows the shooting star, hopping from crater to crater.] Scene 3: Meeting Sparkle, the Star Fairy [Luna finally catches up with the shooting star, which turns out to be Sparkle, a friendly star fairy.] SPARKLE: Hello there, little bunny! What brings you to the stars? LUNA: I saw you streaking across the sky and wanted to know what you were up to! SPARKLE: I'm on a special mission to collect stardust to make wishes come true! Would you like to help? Scene 4: The Wishful Adventure [Luna eagerly agrees to help Sparkle collect stardust. Together, they journey across the galaxy, visiting planets and collecting stardust.] LUNA: This is amazing, Sparkle! I never knew there were so many wonders in the universe! SPARKLE: And with your help, we can make so many wishes come true! Scene 5: Granting Wishes [After collecting stardust, Luna and Sparkle return to the Moon. They sprinkle the stardust over the land, granting wishes for all the creatures living there.] LUNA: (excitedly) I wish for endless carrots for all my bunny friends! SPARKLE: Your wish is granted, Luna! [Carrots sprout all over the Moon, delighting Luna and her friends.] Scene 6: Goodbye for Now [As the night comes to an end, Sparkle prepares to leave.] SPARKLE: Thank you for your help, Luna. I must return to the stars now. LUNA: (sadly) Will I ever see you again? SPARKLE: Of course! Whenever you look up at the night sky, remember that I'll always be watching over you. [Luna waves goodbye as Sparkle disappears into the stars.] Scene 7: Luna's Reflection [Luna returns to her burrow, feeling grateful for the adventure she had.] LUNA: (contentedly) What an incredible night! I can't wait to see what other adventures await me on the Moon. [With a happy sigh, Luna curls up in her burrow, ready for another night of dreams and adventures.] [End of story]

    Savvy scottlee


  10. Control of Transition speed

    The the transitions are too fast. We should be able to control the speed of it.

    Juliano H


  11. Different options for Text animation

    Create nice videos with variety of animation styles for the Text which appears on the video

    #Video creation#Styling šŸŽØ


  12. Add various elements on the scenes

    Add emojis, short graphics (logos) etc. as a layer over the video scene

    #Improvement šŸ‘#Styling šŸŽØ


  13. Style: Headline on the top and subtitles in the bottom

    We are adding a new style asked by many of our customers which has heading and captions together on the video scenes. We will first roll it out for video editing scenario and then for text to video scenarios too

    #Video editing#Styling šŸŽØ


  14. Remove Background Noise Automatically

    Remove background noise to clean up audio. Request automatic feature for this.

    #Improvement šŸ‘#Video editing


  15. Upload and Insert personal Video Clips as Scenes

    Ability to upload and insert promotional video clips in the middle of a video as scenes - without necessarily breaking the flow of auto-synced voice over.

    #Improvement šŸ‘
